Tuesday, August 4, 2015


The groundwork is laid and construction plans are in progress for pump stations and pipelines to carry irrigation water from the Columbia Basin Project to those farmers--who are eligible--pumping ground water from the Odessa subarea. 

The work is being done by the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District (ECBID) as part of the Odessa Ground Water Replacement Program (OGWRP). Along with landowners, the program is a partnership with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Department of Ecology’s Office of Columbia (OCR), and ECBID, to reduce the depletion of the Odessa aquifer by moving 87,000 acres

Monday, August 3, 2015

Small Business: Get Gateway Pacific Project Done

Boon to economy will benefit every Washingtonian

OLYMPIA, Wash., July 31, 2015—Washington state’s voice of small business today urged the Army Corps of Engineers to complete its environmental impact statement on the proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal at Cherry Point in Whatcom County.